Ideal para gatos adultos más pequeños que pesan 2,5 kilogramos, 5.5 libras Durante el tratamiento, el peso de su gato aumentará continuamente a medida que recupere el apetito y la masa muscular. Pese a su gato semanalmente y ajuste la dosis en consecuencia. Utilice nuestra calculadora de dosis para calcular la dosis adecuada para su gato.
Verás claro mejoras al terminar esta frasco. Las mejoras incluyen aumento del apetito, aumento de las actividades físicas, reducción de la fiebre, aumento de la frecuencia de aseo personal.
Vea nuestro video instructivo sobre cómo realizar inyecciones de tratamiento FIP.
GS-441524 【15 mg / ml, 8 ml】
Fórmula química: C12 H13 N5 O4
Concentración: 20 mg/ml
Volumen: 7 ml por vial
Cantidad: 1 viale
Pureza: 99,4%
pH: 1,9~2,2
Formulación: 5% etanol, 30% propilenglicol, 45% PEG 400, 20% agua.
Vida útil: 1 año cuando se almacena a temperatura ambiente.
After one week of treatment my kitten’s abdominal effusion was gone. Voodoo was alert and her appetite had retuned. After two weeks of injections her weight increased by nearly a pound. By the third week she was running and playing normally. In our fourth week she is going stronger by the day. The words that describe how I feel during this protocol are JOY and HOPE, both made possible by the Gs441524 provided by CureFIP USA.
Angel was 3 lbs, got down to only 1 lb, and almost didn’t make it. She was completely immobile and didn’t move, didn’t eat on her own, nor reacted to any stimuli. I included a picture while she was like this, and then another picture 4 weeks later. She had injections for 3 weeks, and now has been on the pills for a week. She is super alert and happy, is eating and drinking on her own, and determined to walk again. My family AND the vet recommended putting her down, but look at her now❤️
After two misdiagnosis, a vet felt that bloodwork indicated the possibility of FIP. As we were watching the kitten die, we took a chance on trying these injections. Kitten is gaining weight, staying hydrated and eating independently. She was paralyzed in all four limbs . Not out of the woods, but slowly recovering.
Life saver product for cat